Saturday, March 10, 2012

Big People Stuff

Considering most of the logistics and details of obtaining a lease to my new apartment (UNDER BUDGET, beat that House Hunters!!) have had to be carried out via email I must say it has gone rather smoothly. My realtor has been incredible. She has been very hands-on and her communication is top notch. She was very receptive to my needs and wishes--and I will admit I am picky. Several things about my move made her job a bit more difficult I'm sure:
1. I am out of town
2. I almost insisted on a dishwasher (hard to find sometimes in older buildings)
3. I had a limited viewing time
4. I had incredibly short notice -- but then again I gave her what I got!

I have tried to make the best out of a stressful situation, and I realize I am certainly not the first person to go through this. Just ironing out all the details can seem like a Catch-22 sometimes.

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