Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Three Years Later

Three years ago today I began one of the most insane journeys ever. Three years ago I left for the island and medical school. It seems so long ago and yet just like yesterday. I feel like I've learned so much, yet  still know so little. Would I do it all again? No clue.
I feel much more confident, much more capable, even if I still feel like I don't know a thing! I've definitely learned that there is no way one can sit on his laurels and just watch life walk right past you. It will blow past you so fast you won't even know. Each day presents something new and unknown, and it is always a challenge. As soon as you think you're getting it, it's time to move on to something new and equally challenging and completely discombobulating. I could go on for hours but that's it in a nutshell!!

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