Monday, September 12, 2011

After taking my exam last Thursday, I've been doing a great deal of nothing. I think a week or so of nothing is well deserved, especially since I don't yet have the results of the exam. The summer of 2011 more or less did not exist for me. I spent the vast majority of it in a corner with my nose in a book. If that wasn't the case, the presence of the upcoming exam was continually on my mind.

Speaking of the mind, mine has taken a long, winding journey to Dar es Salaam, or some other place not easily reached, and even less easily left. Holding a linear conversation has been a trial of proportions not seen since OJ or the Menendez brothers. It's a delightful combination of being mentally frazzled, physically stretched from long hours of self-induced stress (yes I'm whining) and studying.

The weather has been very nice and accommodating. I've spent several mornings channeling On Golden Pond and reading my book du jour, Of Human Bondage. I started reading it when I was in Miami, just to have something to do when my ability to focus during lecture disappeared (usually after about thirty minutes of listening to monotonous professors drone on and on and on about Lord only knows what). It's a good book, but took a backseat to my readings about Apartheid and the Berlin Wall (aren't I cool?), and multiple tests. I'm hoping to finish it quickly, because I purchased a stack of used books yesterday. Literally, A STACK.

Amidst all of the insanity I have come up with the brilliant idea of writing a roman à clef about living in Dominica while attending medical school. There was certainly enough drama to gain inspiration from. I'm going to call it Triple Chocolate Muffins at Rituals. I have aspirations of it being Fried Green Tomatoes meets The Devil Wears Prada. But not really. It will start with the last flight OFF the island, and then have my fictitious-but-not-really character recalling when he first arrived in a place completely juxtaposed to his own. Then start rattling off the people he meets, intertwining it with gems about enduring the self-multilatory process called medical school--on a Caribbean island, and of course, triple chocolate muffins. Many of the posts on this blog could be chapters...This topic shall be revisited when my brain returns to a more linear thought process, and a less schizotypal one. Actually, this could actually possibly totally be a potentially good idea...You tell me.

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